More Than Conquerors!

From The Heart of Pastor Shane (February 1, 2019)

Can you remember a time in your life where you were walking in obedience and faith to God’s will, but you were going through a great storm?  God knows where the ship of our life is going when the winds of adversity are blowing.  God can turn our circumstances and storms to our good.  In Romans 8:28 the Bible says, “And we know that all things work together for the good to them that love God, to them who are called according to his purpose.”  We cannot forsake what God has started.  We must not grow fearful of the storms that come against us. 

The greatest victories for the Christian are ahead.  God has a work for us to do while we are here on planet earth and there is nothing that will sink God’s purpose and plan.  We must come to the realization that this earth is not our home.  We must not fret on the trivial matters that we face each and every day of our lives.  Let’s lift up our heads in the midst of the storm and walk in faith as if there is no storm.  We cannot deny the storm, but we must look past it to see the victory of Jesus ahead.

Let’s put all of our trust in God and be led daily by the Holy Spirit.  In Romans 8:37 the Bibles says that “we are more than conquerors through him that loved us.”  Even things that happen in our lives that cause delays and setbacks are part of God’s overall plan.  God has a plan and will lead us step by step through that plan.  Are you trusting Jesus today?  Amen!

~Pastor Shane

Disclaimer: Pastor Shane's devotions are written under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit of God and are never intended to be directed toward any one individual or group or any particular situation. These daily devotions are sent to thousands of subscribers through different mediums and is intended to proclaim truths from the Word of God. Thank you for taking the time to read and please continue to pray for wisdom as Pastor Shane's heart is to write in a spirit of love and to bring life application for every day living to those who are reading. ~Blessings!