Focused On God!

From The Heart of Pastor Shane (August 8, 2019)

God wants us to be focused on Him as we live our life, not just occasionally, but daily.  One way we begin being focused on God is by reading our Bible on a daily basis.  When we read our Bibles, we can hear from God and let God speak to us.  As believers, we must get into the habit of reading our Bible on daily basis.  If we want to prevent from having heartaches and gain more wisdom and be protected by mistakes, then getting into the Word is the best thing we can do.
Psalm 119:105 says: “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.”  Here we see that the psalmist refers to the Bible as being a lamp and a light.  We must realize that these are important words to take and apply to our own individual lives.  The feet refer to where you are and the path refers to where you are going.  We must realize that God uses this metaphor to show us that He is interested in the steps we take daily, but He wants us to take the right path through His word.  Amen!

~Pastor Shane

Disclaimer: Pastor Shane's devotions are written under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit of God and are never intended to be directed toward any one individual or group or any particular situation. These daily devotions are sent to thousands of subscribers through different mediums and is intended to proclaim truths from the Word of God. Thank you for taking the time to read and please continue to pray for wisdom as Pastor Shane's heart is to write in a spirit of love and to bring life application for every day living to those who are reading. ~Blessings!