Family Time With God!

From The Heart of Pastor Shane (February 282019)

In Psalm 55:17 we read: “Evening and morning and noon, will I pray, and cry aloud: and he shall hear my voice." Take a few moments to think about your evenings. What do you do in your evenings? Does your life get quieter? Are evenigns calm or more confusing? In order to have success in our Christian families, we must spend evenings with God.  In the evening, we should all set time aside when we can meet with the Lord.

There must be time set aside where we STOP and YIELD to God not only as an individual, but as a family so that we can meet up with prayer and supplication.  Can you make some quiet time for God at the end of your day?  In the evening through our prayer we can thank Him for the days blessings and ask for His forgiveness for our sins and transgression in addition for His protection in the night.  Think about some ways that you can spend your evenings as a family in the presence of God.  Amen!

~Pastor Shane

Disclaimer: Pastor Shane's devotions are written under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit of God and are never intended to be directed toward any one individual or group or any particular situation. These daily devotions are sent to thousands of subscribers through different mediums and are intended to proclaim truths from the Word of God. Thank you for taking the time to read and please continue to pray for wisdom as Pastor Shane's heart is to write in a spirit of love and to bring life application for every day living to those who are reading. ~Blessings!