Eternal Investments!

From The Heart of Pastor Shane (March 27, 2019)

What type of people do you think God uses to make an impact?  1 Chronicles 16:9 gives us the answer: “For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to Him.”  God is looking for disciples that are devoted, both men and women, and boys and girls who are totally sold out and committed to Him.  He’s not looking for great people, religious people, or even perfect people.  He is looking for the regular person that will pour his/her heart and be fully committed and devoted.

20 years ago, God called me to serve in the ministry.  I started out serving as a Student Pastor.  The past two plus years I have been serving at Clingan Ridge Baptist.  The point is, when God called me to the ministry, I realized that I needed to surrender my life to His kingdom work so that I could make eternal investments in others lives.  I realize that being committed will inevitably lead to suffering.  Paul endured much suffering during his ministry and Satan setup roadblocks, but Paul realized that by being committed would require him to suffer.

Many people think that what I do is a waste of life.  I am reminded that God suffered on the Cross for my sins.  He was atoning for all of our sins.  He suffered for us so that we may have eternal life.  I have committed to the Lord just as Paul did to invest my life, my strength, and all that I have in people.  Many choose to invest in their jobs, home, bank and that is okay, but everyone of us can invest in people.

When you invest in earthly things, you are rewarded with temporary things.  When you are heavily minded, and invest in lives and souls that will live forever, there is a crown of glory awaiting you.  Are  you willing to make eternal investments by sharing the good news of Jesus?  Amen!

~Pastor Shane

Disclaimer: Pastor Shane's devotions are written under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit of God and are never intended to be directed toward any one individual or group or any particular situation. These daily devotions are sent to thousands of subscribers through different mediums and is intended to proclaim truths from the Word of God. Thank you for taking the time to read and please continue to pray for wisdom as Pastor Shane's heart is to write in a spirit of love and to bring life application for every day living to those who are reading. ~Blessings!