Provision to Escape Hell!

From The Heart of Pastor Shane (February 1, 2017)

Exactly one year ago on Sunday, January 31, 2016, about an hour after getting home from church, my telephone rung and it will be a call that I never forget in my life. . When I answered the phone, on the other end was my cousin. She had been listening to a message through my podcast ministry and she said the Holy Spirit of God had inspired her to call to ask me the question, "How can I get saved?" My cousin realized she was lost and she had reached a point in her life that she wanted to know Jesus.

Friend, we must realize that we are lost in order to be saved. The good news for every kindred and every tribe, provision has been made to escape a real place called hell. Jesus said in Luke 19:10, "For the Son of man is come to seek and save that which was lost."

Someone might say, well Pastor, do you really believe in hell and if you do, how can you know that there really is a real hell? The greatest proof of that is the life of Jesus Christ. He walked on earth. He suffered the humiliation of incarnation and then on the Cross, He bled and died and gave His very life. Calvary is the proof that there is a place called hell.

When we realize that hell is real and that real people do go there, we need to also realize that the greatest thing we can do in our own individual lives is point people to the Savior so that they are not spending eternity in that place called hell. I pray that God will help us to speak the truth and not be afraid to speak it as we go through this week. We need to get the message of Jesus to people and lead them to the Savior so they can avoid hell. AMEN!


~Pastor Shane