
From The Heart of Pastor Shane (April 12, 2019)

Having UNITY makes things happen more than anything else in any church or organization.  Having unity means that we all share a common idea, goal, regardless of our differences.  In the Bible we read story after story about people working together in harmony and unity.   When I think of unity, I am reminded of Ephesians 4:16 where the Bible says: “He makes the whole body fit together perfectly.  As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing full of love.”

We can achieve much more working together united than being divided as individuals.  Having UNITY is biblical and a part of God’s will for all believers and when we apply it God always blesses us.  What steps will you take to unite with the people that God has placed in your life?  The most important thing as Christians, is to see one another in light of the cross.  Remember that unity with others is “good” and “Pleasant” (Psalm 133:1).  Amen!

Disclaimer: Pastor Shane's devotions are written under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit of God and are never intended to be directed toward any one individual or group or any particular situation. These daily devotions are sent to thousands of subscribers through different mediums and is intended to proclaim truths from the Word of God. Thank you for taking the time to read and please continue to pray for wisdom as Pastor Shane's heart is to write in a spirit of love and to bring life application for every day living to those who are reading. ~Blessings!